Feb 10, 2023
Jumping for joy at this week's episode? Kicking around some knowledge in your brain? Level up with loads of questions this week. Well, just 15, but you get the idea.
website: www.bequizisaidsopodcast.com
IG: @BeQuizISaidSo
FB: @BeQuizISaidSo
Feb 3, 2023
Are you ready for the letters G, H, and I? I think you might be! This week, round 1 answers start with the letter G like great, round 2 answers start with H like heavenly, and round 3 answers start with I like incredible.
website: www.bequizisaidsopodcast.com
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Jan 27, 2023
We've got three more rounds this week featuring answers that start with the letters D, E and F. I'm sure you will all be Dazzling, Extraordinary and Fantastic as you make your way answering these questions!
Website: www.bequizisaidsopodcast.com
Jan 19, 2023
Thank you to everyone for your patience waiting for a new episode to come out. Here it is! It's 2023 and we are trying something a little different. Instead of 3 full categories, we are going to work our way through the alphabet, 3 letters each episode, so that each of the answers for that round start with that...
Dec 18, 2022
We're back with three new categories for you. In this episode we have questions about geography, guess the theme, and US government. There's also a tricky bonus round about female world leaders. Happy listening!
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